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Table 6 Aflatoxin concentration in different poultry feed ingredients from large- and small-scale processors

From: Awareness of mycotoxins and occurrence of aflatoxins in poultry feeds and feed ingredients in selected regions of Uganda

Processor’s scale of production

Aflatoxin concentration Mean ± SD (ppb)


Maize bran


Cotton seed

Sunflower seed

Large scale

8.75 ± 3.18a

22.25 ± 6.01b

16.75 ± 7.42b

20.25 ± 6.71a

17.00 ± 7.78b

Small scale

19.25 ± 5.30a

103.25 ± 22.98a

52.75 ± 0.35a

67.25 ± 22.98a

62.25 ± 2.47a

  1. Data represents Mean ± standard deviation of two samples from two processors of each category
  2. abMeans with different superscripts in the same column are significantly different at p < 0.05